

发音:   用"历史传统派"造句


  1. It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of sources . and to social science historians who equate their activity with specific techniques
  2. It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of sources , and to social science historians who equate their activity with specific techniques
  3. It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of sources , and to social science historians who equate their activity with specific techniques
  4. It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of sources and to social science historians who equate their activity with specific techniques
  5. It ( 1 ) 0 . 5 分 applies equally to ( 2 ) 0 . 5 分 traditional historians who view history as only the external ( 3 ) 1 分 and internal criticism of sources , and to social science historians who equate their ( 4 ) 1 分 activity with specific techniques


        历史:    history; past records
        传统:    tradition any tube-shaped pa ...
        :    group; school; faction; cliq ...
        汉英文化差异在历史传统词语上的反映:    cultural and historical connotations in the difference between english and chinese words
        历史传承翻译:    translation of heritage
        历史传奇故事:    stories both historical and legendary
        历史传奇小说:    historical romance
        历史传说神话:    history-myth
        传统历史学家:    traditional historians
        正统派:    legitimistes; ligitimistes; orthodox; sunni muslim
        总统派:    mouvance presidentielle
        传统的历史研究方法:    traditional historical methods
        继承历史文化优秀传统:    carry on the fine cultural traditions handed from history
        传统:    (世代相传、具有特点的社会因素, 如风俗、道德、思想、作风、艺术、制度等) tradition; convention 革命传统 revolutionary tradition; 传统观念 traditional ideas [concepts]; 传统剧目 traditional theatrical pieces; traditional opera [drama]; 传统看法 traditional [conventional] viewpoint; 传统习惯 traditional customs; 传统势力 traditional force; 传统友谊 traditional (ties of) friendship
        东方正统派:    oriental orthodoxy
        非正统派:    heterodox
        系统派绘画:    systemic painting
        新正统派:    neo-orthodoxy
        正统派的:    classical; orthodox
        正统派观点:    neo-orthodox opinion
        历史:    history; past records 历史上 in history; down the ages; 隐瞒自己的历史 conceal one's past record; 用历史观点看问题 look at the problem from a historical point of view; 历史背景 historical background; 历史博物馆 history museum; 历史潮流 historical trend; tide of history; 历史车轮 wheel of history; 历史地理学 historical geography; 历史地图 historical map; 历史地位 historical role; 历史地质学 historical geology; 历史范畴 historical category; 历史构造 historical structure; 历史观 conception of history; 历史剧 historical play; 历史考古法 historical archaeological method; 历史类比 historical analogy; 历史模式 historical pattern; 历史人物 historical personage [figure]; 历史任务 historic [historical] task; 历史时代 time; 历史使命 historic [historical] mission; 历史使命感 sense of historical mission; 历史唯物主义 historical materialism; 历史唯心主义 historical idealism; 历史文物 historical relice; 历史文献 historical document; 历史问题 question of a political nature in sb.'s history; 历史舞台 arena of history; 历史小说 historical novel; 历史遗产 legacy of history; historical heritage; 历史遗留问题 questions left over from history [the past]; 历史语法 historical grammar; 历史语言学 historical linguistics; 历史责任 historic responsibility; 历史责任感 sense of historical responsibility; 历史最高水平 all-time highs; 历史最高水位 highest water level on records
        非正统派小说:    antinovel
        非正统派主脚:    anti-heroes
        古典的,正统派的:    classica l; classical
        犹太教正统派:    orthodox judaism


  1. "历史成份"英文
  2. "历史传承翻译"英文
  3. "历史传奇故事"英文
  4. "历史传奇小说"英文
  5. "历史传说神话"英文
  6. "历史词典"英文
  7. "历史大倒退"英文
  8. "历史大事"英文
  9. "历史大系"英文
  10. "历史档案"英文


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