- curling wheel
- 卷边: edge curl; bowing; roll hem; ...
- 转盘: turntable; giant stride; dis ...
- 卷边: edge curl; bowing; roll hem; edge roll; [机械工程] hemming; curl; beading of the tube end; beading; crimping◇卷边工具 bead tool; 卷边机 curling machine; 卷边器[工具] beader; 卷边试验 flange test; 卷边纸 wavy paper; 卷边装订 yapp
- 转盘: [机械工程] turntable; [体育] giant stride; [杂技] disc-spinning; [石油工业] rotary table; platform; dial; turnplate; turnstile; figure plate (电话机等); cradle nousing (伞齿刨的摆动) turn plate
- 边转仪器: edgewise instrument