卷边: edge curl; bowing; roll hem; ...封面: the title page of a thread-b ...卷边封口机: double seaming machine卷边封头: seaming head斜边封面纸板: bevelled boards封面卷边的: edge rolled边封: edge sealing大于书芯的封面 出边封面 出边书皮: overhang cover封面: 1.(指线装书印有书名的一页) the title page of a thread-bound book2.(指书最外面的书皮) the front and back cover of a book3.[印刷] (封一) front cover; cover卷边: edge curl; bowing; roll hem; edge roll; [机械工程] hemming; curl; beading of the tube end; beading; crimping◇卷边工具 bead tool; 卷边机 curling machine; 卷边器[工具] beader; 卷边试验 flange test; 卷边纸 wavy paper; 卷边装订 yapp边封盖: side seal cap边封机: side seamer边封胶: side-seam cement双边封口机: double-side sealing machine弯边封头: flanged head折边封头: flanged head弯边 卷边 卷边 拆缘: flangededgedvd封面: dvd covers封面,护封: jacket封面布: book cloth; cloth封面图: surface plot封面纸: catridge paper; cover paper漫封面: diffusing surface密封面: seal face; sealing face; sealing surface; tight surface; trim软封面: softcover