门: entrance; exit; door; gate的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...官员: official卫生部门: department of health卫生部门改革: health sector reform常任的卫生部门人员: permanent medical member卫生部门技术工作组: health sector technical working group中美洲卫生部门会议: meeting of the central american health sector卫生部: department of health and human services; health department; medical command; ministry of health (moh); ministry of health of kuwait; ministry of health of malaysia; ministry of health of syria; ministry of public health; ministry or public health党的官员: party official任命的官员: appointing officer受权的官员: aurhorized officer逃亡的官员: the fugitive 0mce部门的: departmental; sectional经授权的官员: authorized officer司纹章的官员: herald听证会的官员: hearing officer正式的官员的: official衍生部门: derivative departments供水和环境卫生部门联合监测方案: joint monitoring programme for the water and sanitation sector孟加拉国卫生部门备灾和救灾方案: bangladesh health sector disaster preparedness and response programme以社区为重点的卫生部门发展: community-focused health sector development公共卫生部: ministry of public health国家卫生部: nhs军队卫生部: army medical department