卫: defend; guard; protect气: gas营: seek血: blood传: commentaries on classics变: become different; change卫气营血: nutrient and blood; vital energy营血: nutrient blood; nutrient-blood; ying blood; yingfen and xuefen卫气: defensie qi; defensive energy; defensive qi; wei-energy传变: progress of disease; transformation and development; transmission of a disease; transmutation卫气,悍气: weiqi卫气虚: deficiency of defensive qi气营同病,气营两燔: disease involving of both qifen and yingfen卫气不固: weakness of weiqi; wei-energy fails to protect the body卫气失常: disorder of weiqi; dysfunction of weiqi卫气同病: disease involving both weifen and qifen卫气同病证: syndrome of simultaneous occurrence of both weifen and qifen电气营造商: electrical contractor经血传播: parenteral transmission气营两清: clear the heat located at qifen and yingfen气营两燔: overabundant beat at both qifen and yingfen气营两燔证: syndrome of intense heat in qifen and yingfen热血传奇: the legend of mir圣血传说: trinity brad热血传奇论坛: the legend of mir2