The airline also posted the last coordinates obtained by the singapore satellite detection signal 该公司也贴出了新加坡卫星探测信号探测到的最后坐标。
Pointed out anti - disturbing measures in detection of near - ground nuclear bursts at salellites should employed 指出了卫星探测核爆光信号应采取的一些排除闪电干扰措施。
This article gives a review of the important observation results in lightning of the earth since 1965 摘要综述了1965年以来关于地球闪电的主要观测结果(包括地面实测、尤其是卫星探测的许多结果) 。
“ over here you will notice what seems to be a river , but the satellite findings indicate it is polluted and the water is unfit to drink “这边,诸位可以看到像是一条河似的东西,不过卫星探测的结果表明它已被污染,河水不适于饮用。