The sounds of these words evoke the flow of soft wine across your tongue : bordeaux , val de loire and beaujolais 这些地名就像柔滑的葡萄酒一样从你的舌间流出:波尔多、瓦?卢瓦尔和博若莱。
A journey on the loire is a meander in history , art and daily life . it is in a corner of europe that etched itself deeply in the heart and mind 畅游在卢瓦尔河,仿佛是行进在历史、艺术与现实的交错之中。在这欧洲的一角,它已被深深镌刻在人们的心灵上。
A journey on the loire is a meander in history , art and daily life . it is in a corner of europe that etched itself deeply in the heart and mind 畅游在卢瓦尔河,仿佛是行进在历史、艺术与现实的交错之中。在这欧洲的一角,它已被深深镌刻在人们的心灵之中。
When the emperor returned from the island of elba , my brother instantly joined the army , was slightly wounded at waterloo , and retired with the army beyond the loire . 当皇帝从厄尔巴岛回来的时候,我的哥哥立刻就去参了军,在滑铁卢受了轻伤,随军退到了卢瓦尔。 ”
瓦: tile; put tiles on a roof; c ...尔: you埃卢瓦尔: heloire比卢瓦尔: billoire伯卢瓦尔: beuloir布卢瓦尔: bouloire德卢瓦尔: deloire; desloire迪约卢瓦尔: dieulouard弗卢瓦尔: floire吉卢瓦尔: gilloire卡库卢瓦尔: caculuvar卡卢瓦尔: kaluwar库卢瓦尔: couloir跨卢瓦尔河: loire勒卢瓦尔: leloir卢瓦尔堡: chateau de la loire; chateau-du-loir卢瓦尔城堡: chateaux de la loire卢瓦尔谷地: loire valley卢瓦尔河: loire river; loire, rivière卢瓦尔河谷: loire valley; vues du pays de la loire卢瓦尔勒: loireleux卢瓦尔省: loire dep. de la; loire, dep. de la马格卢瓦尔: magloire马卢瓦尔: malloire默卢瓦尔: malluwal