It is commonly involved a social hierarchy based on the tenure of land . 它普遍包含着一种建立在工地占有权基础上的社会等级制度。
The document confers on him title to, and powers to ingather, the bankrupt's assets . 该文件授予他对破产者资产的占有权和收集权。
For another, they aspired, like their president, to the world of ideas as well as to the world of power . 另一点是,他们象他们的总统一样,不仅渴望占有权力的世界,而且也渴望占有这个世界的思想领域。
A trespass against goods is a wrongful interference with the possession of goods 对货物的侵犯是一种对货物占有权的错误干涉。
The property rights power has four items : holds the power , the right of use , the usufruct and the disposition right 所有权的权能有四项:占有权、使用权、收益权和处分权。
所有权, 占有权: title of possession请求占有权, 占有权: right to possess保护占有权: retaining possession单纯占有权: possessory interest空地占有权: vacant possession土地占有权: possessory title to land; right to hold land相反占有权: adverse possession虚有占有权: nuda possessio宁静的占有权: quiet possession拥有权;占有业权: possessory title确定占有权的诉讼, 占有诉讼: possessory action服役土地占有权: sergeanty土地占有权证书: certificate of possession of land未能给出占有权: failure to give possession因占有而取得的所有权, 占有权: title by occupancy现场占有权及其通道: possession of site and access thereto移交所有权, 使完全占有: give possession因占有而取得的所有权: title by occupancy占有权事实上的改变: actual change of possession全部占有, 不可分割的所有权, 共同占有: possession by entirties占有: 1.(占据) own; possess; have 占有生产资料 have the means of production2.(处在) occupy; hold 农业在国民经济中占有重要地位。agriculture occupies an important place in the national economy.3.(掌握) have; own 占有不动产 hold estate; 占有财产 enter upon a property; 占有第一手资料 have firsthand data; 占有率 occupancy; occupation ratio; 占有期间 occupancy; 占有权 occupation; rights of possession; 占有生产资料 possess the means of production; appropriate the means of production; seizing the means of production; ownership of the means of production; own the means of production; 占有剩余价值 possession of surplus value; gain surplus value; 占有物 chose in possession; 占有者 holder; possessor个人占有公寓房,一套公寓房的个人所有权: condominium中国国民占有大部分所有权: have majority ownershiby nationals of china and有权: entitle 有权处理 seize; 有权代理 authorized agency; 有权有责 authority with responsibility占有区段: occupied block占有人: occupance; occupier; possessor; seizor