南北: north and south from north t ...行: go的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...行车: bridge crane天桥: overline bridge; platform br ...天桥;行车天桥: flyover行车天桥;天桥: flyover左入右出的行车天桥: left-in/right-out flyover行车天桥: flyover; overpass林锦公路行车天桥: lam kam road flyover林士街行车天桥: rumsey street flyover双程双线行车天桥: dual two-lane flyover南北行: nam pak hong北行的: northbound高速公路的北行车道: the northbound carriageway of a motorway优先建造的行人天桥系统: priority walking system燃料的行车性能: road performance of fuel虚耗的行车哩数: waste mileage天桥: overline bridge; platform bridge; foot bridge; monkey bridge; flying gangway南北: 1.(南边和北边) north and south2.(从南到北) from north to south 大江南北 on both sides of the changjiang river; 这个水库南北足有5公里。 this reservoir extends a good five kilometres.; 南北地震带 north-south seismic belt; 南北对话 north-south dialogue; 南北关系 north-south relations; 南北谈判 north-south negotiations切入线;驶离主路的行车线: filter lane住所到办事处的行车津贴: home-to-office travelling allowance北行线: northing拱北行: beaconsfield house台北行: taipeibank