卖官缺: barratry; sell an office拍卖官: auctioneer买官卖官: buy and sell official posts卖官害民: sell offices and injure the people买官卖官的非法活动: illegal practice of selling and buying government posts卖光: clear out; sell out; sell up; sold out卖光;背叛: sell out卖光;出清存货: sell out卖关子: stop a story at a climax to keep the listeners in suspense; keep people guessing 别卖关子了, 往下讲吧。 don't keep us guessing. go on卖光了: be sold out; sell out卖怪鱼龟山起祸: incident in the turtle mountain卖国: betray one's country; turn traitor to one's country◇卖国集团 traitorous clique; 卖国条约 traitorous treaty; 卖国行为 treasonable act; 卖国贼 traitor (to one's country); 卖国主义 national betrayal卖乖: show off one's cleverness
卖官鬻爵的法语:la vénalité des offices卖官鬻爵的日语:旧時,支配層が官職や爵位を売って金もうけをしたこと.売位売官.卖官鬻爵的韩语:【성어】 매관매직하다. 뇌물을 받고 관직과 작위를 팔다.卖官鬻爵的俄语:pinyin:màiguānyùjué продавать должности и титулы (ранги знати)卖官鬻爵什么意思:mài guān yù jué 【解释】鬻:卖。形容政治腐败,统治阶级靠出卖官职来搜刮财富。 【出处】《宋书·邓琬传》:“父子并卖官鬻爵。” 【示例】昔黄巾造反,其原皆由十常侍~,非亲不用,非仇不诛,以致天下大乱。(明·罗贯中《三国演义》第二回) 【拼音码】mgyj 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语;含贬义 【英文】accept bribery and confer official ran...