单: singular number fate; destin ...腿: leg蹲: squat on the heels; crouch单腿: monopod开腿蹲: separate bending pose双腿蹲: pli腿蹲举: leg press单腿跳: hop抱单腿前绊: elevate leg and front trip抱单腿摔: rotate opponent单腿跪立: half kneeling单腿跪转体: knee spin单腿及头式: raising one leg to head单腿夹颈: flying head scissors单腿夹胸: flying body scissors单腿结构物: single-leg structure单腿控制: single wrist单腿平台: monopod platform单腿全旋: single-leg circle单腿瑞士人: simple swiss单腿深蹲: barbell single leg squat单腿跳舞姿: ballonne单腿桅杆: single-pole mast单腿转体: single leg twisting抱单腿拦腿摔: double leg lock