

发音:   用"单步式损益表"造句
  • single-steincome statement


        单步:    one step; single step
        :    type; style
        损益表:    profit and loss statement
        多步式损益表:    multiple step form of income statement; multiple-steincome statement
        单步损益表:    single-stincome statement
        报表式损益表:    report form of profit and loss statement
        报告式损益表:    narrative form of profit and loss statement; report form profit and lo statement; report form profit and loss statement; running form of profit and loss statement
        单阶式损益表:    single-stform of income statement
        多站式损益表:    multiple-steincome statement
        两部式损益表:    two-section income statement
        流水式损益表:    running form of profit and loss statement
        平衡式损益表:    balanced form of profit and loss statement
        叙述式损益表:    narrative form of profit and lo statement; narrative form of profit and loss statement
        帐户式损益表:    account form of income statement; balance form of profit and loss statement,account form of profit and loss statement
        账户式损益表:    accountformofprofitandlossstatement
        总括式损益表:    all-inclusive income statement
        收益表, 单阶式损益表:    single-step form of income statement
        余额递减式损益表:    reducing balance form of profit and loss statement
        流水式损益表(意同报告式损益表):    ru ing form of profit and lo statement; running form of profit and loss statement
        单步损益表, 一步收益表:    single-step income statement
        单步式:    single step mode; single-steform; singlestep; single-step mode
        单步式压床:    lyman rockcrusher
        单步式诊断:    single-step mode diagnosis
        损益表:    account of business; earnings statement,income statement; income account; income sheet; income statement / profit and loss statement; income statement/profit-and-loss account; operation statement; p.& l profit and loss; p. &am l. profit and lo; profit & loss statement; profit and lo statement; profit and lose statement; profit-and-loss statements; report of earnings; statement of assets and statement of loss and profit; statement of gains and losses; statement of income; statement of profit and loss; trading and profit and loss statement
        收益表, 损益表:    income account; income sheet


  1. "单步扩散"英文
  2. "单步梁"英文
  3. "单步录音"英文
  4. "单步派生"英文
  5. "单步式"英文
  6. "单步式压床"英文
  7. "单步式诊断"英文
  8. "单步输入"英文
  9. "单步损益表"英文
  10. "单步损益表, 一步收益表"英文


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