In this tutorial , we explore how you can install a stand - alone system with the ibm lotus workplace v1 . 1 在本教程中,我们将考察如何利用ibm lotus workplace v1 . 1代码来安装单机系统。
From an engineering perspective , the trend over the last decade , driven by forces such as enterprise application integration , has clearly been away from monolithic systems and toward distributed systems 其次,从工程的角度看来,在企业应用集成等因素的驱动下,过去十年渐渐形成一种从集中的单机系统转向分布式系统的趋势。
Distributed system has higher performance and reliability than the single computer system , and has beening used wider and wider with the all - pervading of internet and distributed characteristics of some applications 分布式系统比单机系统具有更高的性能和可靠性,并且随着互联网的普及和某些应用本身所具有的分布式特性,使其应用日益广泛。
Firstly , we analyze the performance from several aspects ( such as ejb container , jsp pre - compile , etc ) ; then we discuss the expansion of weblogic server from stand - alone system to cluster 首先从影响weblogicserver性能的几个方面(如ejb容器、 jsp预编译等)入手进行系统性能的分析,最后讨论weblogicserver从单机系统到集群的扩展及其性能调优。
Chapter two addresses in details systematic design and related modules of stand - alone door - lock system . the modules include mcu , recognition module , power , lcd , guide voice , i / o decoding circuit , rtc , unlock circuit , power save and anti - interference design 第二部分着重介绍了指纹门禁单机系统的系统总体设计以及系统中涉及到的各模块的基础知识、设计思路和具体实现。