Studies on parthenocarpic induction of cppu in momordica charantia l 单性结实的诱导作用及其机理的研究
A study on combination ability of major characters of parthenocarpy cucumber 全雌性单性结实黄瓜主要性状配合力分析
The fruit development of parthenocarpic cucumber in relation to the content of c arbon and nitrogen 黄瓜单性结实果实发育与碳氮变化的关系
Studies on dynamics of calcium and potassium during fruit development of parthenocarpic and self - pollinated citrus varieties 单性结实与自花结实柑橘果实发育中钙钾动态的研究
Studies on dynamics of boron and magnesium nutrients during fruit development of parthenocarpy and self - pollinated citrus cultivars 单性结实和自花授粉结实柑橘果实发育中硼镁营养动态的研究