单: singular number fate; destin ...尾: hairs on a horse's tail spik ...科: a branch of academic or voca ...毛滴虫目单尾科: monocercomonadidae单尾: st single tail毛滴目单尾科四毛鞭毛虫属: tetratrichomastix单尾目: monura尖尾科: oxyuridae; oxyuris卷尾科: dicruridae (drongos); drongos盘尾科: onchocercidae饰尾科: cosmocercidae双尾科: campodeidae爪尾科: cheluridae铗尾科: japygidae鸢尾科: freesia; iridaceae; irides; montbretia单尾滴属: monocercomonas单尾概率: one-tail probability单尾或双尾: one-tail or two-tail单尾检验: one tailed test; one-tailed test; test of one-tailed单尾品种: snacks and desserts禽单尾滴虫: monocercomonas gallinarum地鸢尾科: family geosiridaceae金虎尾科: family malpighiaceae; malpighiaceae原铗尾科: projapygidae鸢尾科的: iridaceous