He is the author of eleven books of poetry , monologues , and short stories 为圣马丁的重要作家,共写作十一本诗集、单人剧和
And continues to work in cabaret with her solo act a tribute to margot fonteyn currently she is collaborating with john nicholson of peepolykus in creating a solo show in which she will perform 最近,她和peepolykus和rhinocerus一起进行巡演,并继续在她自己的单人剧atributetomargotfonteyn中进行歌舞表演。近期,她与peepolykus的john nicholson合作创作一个由她自己表演的单人剧。
剧: theatrical work; drama; play ...单人: dancer b-boy b-girl; oneman; solo名人剧: biodrama羊人剧: satyr play台南人剧团: tainaner ensemble苦修僧人剧场: dervish theater出单人: drawer单人舱: single cabin; single-occupancy room单人床: single bed单人洞: proper cave单人房: chambers; f6-8; one-bed room; single room noun; single-room单人间: single bed room; single room单人锯: one handed saw; one-man saw单人旁: drp project单人票: single passenger ticket单人铺: single berth单人赛: individual; single race; singles; solo单人艇: one-seater yacht单人舞: solo dance 跳单人舞 dance a solo单人座: one-seater; solo seat李清照私人剧团: theater company of lee qing zhao the private去见这个人剧本: going to meet the man单人房(一张单人床): single roomsolo单人舞: solo dance 跳单人舞 dance a成对单人床: twin bed