半: half一半: one half; half; in part的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...一半;半: half一半的: half; mid一半的机会: a toss up一半的距离: half the distance一半的钱: half the money半, 一半, 半场, 半学年, 学期, 中卫: halves离杆顶一半的地方: half staff; half-staff全班一半的学生: half the class手上脱开一半的皮。: flapper走了地球一半的: half a world away走了地球一半的路: half a world away胜负机会各占一半的冒险。: sporting chance提供一半的生活费用: one-half support我和我另一半的爱情: really loves my company一半的机会;没准儿的事儿: a toss―up占到一半的市场份额: command half the market只要给我一半的机会: give me a half a chance半: Ⅰ数词1.(二分之一) half 半年 half a year; six months; 一天半 one and a half days; 减半 reduce by half2.(在 ... 中间的) in the middle; halfway 半山腰 halfway up a hill; 夜半时 in the middle of the night; 工作到深更半夜 burn the midnight oil3.(比喻很少) very little; the least bit 一星半点 very little; a wee bit; 他连半句话都不说。 he wouldn't breathe a word.Ⅱ量词(常和“一”、“两”组合成“一半”、“两半”等) 把它切成同样大小的两半。 cut it into two exact halves. 这些书有一半是德语的。 half of the books are in german. 这些学生一大半来自农村。 the students are, for the most part, from the villages.Ⅲ副词(不完全) partly 半新的 half-new; 半死的 dead-alive; 半开的门 partly-opened door; 半机械化 semi-mechanizedⅣ名词(姓氏) a surname 半乾 ban qian半的: dimidiate; dimidius那两种燃料占加拿大约一半的能源: which two fuels provide about one half of all the energy used in canada尸体被吃掉一半的恐怖残骸: the grisly remains of the halfeaten corpsess一半: one half; half; in part 一半以上 more than half; 另一半 the other half; 减少一半开支 cut down the expenditure by half; 现在付一半, 剩下的以后再付。 pay half now and the rest later. 四的一半是二。 half of four is two. 这些书中有一半是小说。 half of the books are novels