You don ' t earn a single cent here . every day we eat eggs and semi - solid food 在这儿你一分钱都赚不到每天就吃鸡蛋和半流质食物
Gears - fzg test procedures - fzg test method a 2 , 8 50 for relative scuffing load - carrying capacity and wear characteristics of semifluid gear greases 齿轮. fzg试验规程.有关半流质齿轮润滑油的刮磨承载能力和磨损特性的fzg试验方法a 2 8 50
Screw the cap with which a spoon is attached after filling the juice or soup into the bottle . press the bottle lightly then the liquid will flow out smoothly 将果汁或汤汁装入瓶中,再用附有汤匙的转盖固定,喂食时只要轻压瓶身,流质或半流质即能顺畅流出。