The hodotermitidae are a semi-desert species known as forage ants . 草白蚁科常称为草料蚁,是一种半沙漠种。
Southwestern u.s is desert and semidesert, sparely covered with giant cactus and low shrubs, hot in the day and cold at night . 美国的西南部是沙漠和半沙漠,零星散布着一些巨大的仙人掌属植物和低矮的灌木,白天很热,晚上很冷。
He los angeles center is located in a semi - desert area near riverside , california surrounded by rough , mountainous terrain sparsely dotted with plants that compete for a few inches of rainfall each winter . the local residents often seem as rough - hewn as the landscape they inhabit , and over the past few years , the homeless population in the area has increased 洛杉矶小中心地处半沙漠区,靠近加州的河边市,四周崎岖多山,每年冬季所降下的稀微雨量,对地表上的植物而言犹如杯水车薪,住在此地的人们,有些人的处境就像这里的沙漠景观一般窘困。