The diurnal constituents at some of the crossover points and all of the semi - diurnal constituents at all of the crossover points as well as 16 tidal gauge data are assimilated in the ocean model , this is because the assimilation of the diurnal constituents at some crossover points make the result worse . the improvement is 36 % for m2 , 54 % for s2 , 42 % for k , , 30 % for 01 compared with the results of dynamic model without assimilation . in the stratified ocean , mixing controls the intensity of the ocean current 为了克服交叉点上全日分潮精度较低的局限,文中主要将半日分潮同化进模式中,而全日分潮只在部分交叉点上进行了同化,同时同化了沿岸16个验潮站的调和常数,同化高度计资料和沿岸资料后, m _ 2 、 s _ 2 、 k _ 1 、 o _ 1四个主要分潮的结果精度分别提高36 、 48 、 20 、 12 。