A particle , such as an electron , a proton , or a neutron , having half - integral spin and obeying statistical rules requiring that not more than one in a set of identical particles may occupy a particular quantum state 费密子一种如电子、质子或中子等自旋为半整数的基本粒子,具有一种使得不可能有多于一个的粒子占有任何一个特殊的量子力学态的量子力学对称性
For the past few years , after flipping through and careful reading of astronomical and scientific journals and websites , my thought on dark energy is just like what richard feynman tried to explain to his colleagues in caltech why boson had integer spins and fermion had half - integer spins 经过这几年翻阅及细读天文及科学期刊及有关网页,笔者对暗黑能量的感想,就如同费曼对他在加州理工的同事尝试解释为何玻色子自旋为整数的粒子而费米子自旋为半整数的粒子时一样。