半: half失业: be out of job; be unemployed半失业者: partially unemployed半失业者, 部份受雇: partially employed半失业工人;开工不足的工人: underemployed失业: be out of jobbe unemployed半失能浓时积: ict半失速;局部分离: semistall航空的半失速: semistall半失速平坠着陆: semi-stalled pancake landing失业, 流浪: on the wallaby track失业的: be unemployed; be jobless; disemployed; disemployed a; jobless; lumpen; on the beach; unemployed; workless失业的,: less. a. == without,jobless失业金: arbeitslosengeld ii; unemployment compensation失业率: joble rate; jobless rate; rate of employment; rate of unemployment; unemployment; unemployment rate; unempolyment失业论: theory of unemployment失业生: on trial失业税: state unemployment tax; unemployment tax失业者: gentleman at large; jobless; the jobless; the unemployed; underemployed population; unemployed people; unemployed person; unemployed population闲着、失业: at leisure在失业: on the beach准失业: quasi-unemployment摩擦性失业、短期失业: frictional unemployment失业补助,失业救济: unemployment compe atio; unemployment compensation失业津贴;失业援助: unemployment benefit