We are used to it , but you may blister your fingers . he talked as though these bullets could not kill him , and his half - closed eyes gave a still more persuasive effect to his words 他这样说话,就像子弹打不死他自己似的,他那对半开半合的眼睛赋予他以更强的说服力。
The little old colonel with the half - shut eyes was there , greedily gnawing at a mutton - bone , and the general of twenty - two years irreproachable service , flushed with a glass of vodka and his dinner , and the staff - officer with the signet ring , and zherkov , stealing uneasy glances at every one , and prince andrey , pale with set lips and feverishly glittering eyes 其中包括:眼睛半开半合的小老头,他贪婪地啃着羊骨头军二十二年的无可指责的将军,他一面用餐,一面喝伏特加酒佐餐,满面红光校官戴着一只刻有名字的戒指热尔科夫惴惴不安地望着众人安德烈公爵脸色苍白,紧闭嘴唇,一对冷热病的眼睛发亮。