- rise-fall-rise tone
- 升: rise; hoist; go up; ascend
- 降: surrender; capitulate
- 升调: rising tune or tone
- 升调: [语言学] rising tune or tone
- 升: Ⅰ动词1.(由低往高移动) rise; hoist; go up; ascend 升帆 hoist a sail; 把旗升到旗杆顶端。 hoist the flag to the top of the pole. 气球缓缓升上天空。 the balloon rose up slowly into the air. 太阳从东方升起。 the sun rises in the east. 我们看着迷雾由山谷升起。 we watched the mists ascending from the valley.2.(等级提高) promote 升为教授 be promoted professor; 他由职员升为经理。 he was promoted from a clerk to a manager. 他们让他升入了二年级。 they promoted him into the second year class.Ⅱ量词1.(容量单位) litre (l.) 一升啤酒 a litre of beer2.(容量单位) sheng, a unit of dry measure for grain (= 1 litre)Ⅲ名词1.(量粮食的器具) a sheng measure2.(姓氏) a surname 升元 sheng yuan