Zhengzhou commodity exchange president wang xianli said the exchange would prepare this year for the launch of sugar and rape - seed futures and wheat options and also develop new products for coal , natural gas , power and other industrial commodities . meanwhile , shanghai futures exchange is developing petroleum futures and bronze options , while dalian commodity exchange aims to trade in soy oil futures and soybean options . the exchanges have also expressed an interest in developing financial futures like index and bond futures , but insiders said that may take more time to prepare 值得一提的是,为了确保医护人员和患者的正常休息和诊治,宇通创造性地设计出双路双系统一万六千大卡的空调,不仅保证行驶期间和诊疗期间的更重要的是在诊疗期间,发动机停止运行的情况下空调通风系统都能稳定高效运行,同时隔绝了医护人员乘坐区和诊疗区通风换气,避免了交叉感染现象的出现。
千: thousand大卡: kilocalorie; large calorie; ...千大: chiba keizai university大卡: [物理学] kilocalorie; large calorie; great calorie; major calorie老千大阴谋: things change三千大千世界: is the same as; the three thousand great thousand world system; worlds of the trichiliocosm大卡, 千卡: major calorie大卡,千卡: calorie(cal)大卡车: autotruck; big rigs; mv600; six-by; track; truck大卡尺: beam caliper; beam callipers大卡规: heavy gauge大卡赖: bolshoy karay大卡鲁: great karroo大卡罗: groot karoo; groot-karoo大卡洛: nagykallo大卡缅: bolshoy kamen大卡什: grande cache大卡素: david caruso大卡陶: nagykata千卡 大卡: kilogramcalorie千卡,大卡: cal.calorie(s); kcal(kilocalorie); kilocalorieabbr.kcal〔美俚〕大卡车。: six-by布大卡因: butacaine; butelline大卡(热量单位): cal large calorie大卡比利亚: great kabylia