十月: October the tenth month of t ...八: eight日: and十月八日西洋蓍草: yarrow十月八日革命运动组织: movimiento revolucionario de octubre; mr-8八月八日: the first of october五月八日报: may eight八月八日尾穗苋: love-lies-bleeding二月八日土马鬃: narrowspringmoss六月八日便士草: moneywort七月八日待霄花: commoneveningprimrose三月八日妇女节: women's day march eighthghth十二月八日侧柏: arbor-vitae十一月八日风信子: commonhyacinth四月八日连栈草: groundlvy一月八日黄百里香: yellowthymelaea十月十八日树蘑菇: woodmushroom九月八日米迦勒雏菊: europeanmichaelmasdaisy三月八日野生长寿花: wildjonquil十一月八日动员委员会: november 8 mobilization committee十月二十八日金盏花: moondaisy她生于一九八零年九月八日凌晨两点钟: she was born at two o'clock in the morning september eighth八日: eighth十月: 1.(公历)october2.(农历)the tenth month of the lunar year; the tenth moon八日热: octan