劲: strong; powerful; sturdy歌: song金: metals曲: qu,a type of verse for singi ...劲歌金曲: dj kendy; jade solid gold; medley; tvb祖儿版-劲歌金曲: cky歌金曲: jade solid gold劲歌金榜: jsg billboard金曲: flying without wings; jade solid gold; janice jill le0n姐任十大中文金曲第十五届司议: anita as host有多大劲使多大劲: far more费了好大劲: strain 1金曲奖: amour; golden melody awards旧金曲: san francisco劲歌飞扬: raise your voice劲歌狂舞: the strength song dances wildly上劲歌热舞: mtv劲歌飞扬原声: music from raise your voice美女劲歌热舞: kissy kissy十大姐: ten shool girls; the tenth sister十大愿: the ten vows of puxian邦金曲线: boning rod; bonjean curve邦金曲线图: bonjean curves畅销金曲榜: pop chart weekly电影金曲: classic theme songs