

  • hospital sore throat
  • 医院:    hospital; nosodochium; nosoc ...
  • 咽喉:    pharynx and larynx; guttur; ...
  • :    scorching; burning hot
  • 医院咽喉痛:    hospital sore-throat
  • 咽喉炎:    das halsweh, opl; faucitis; laryngopharyngitis; latyngopharyngitis; pharyngolaryngitis; relaxed throat; soar throat; sore throat; sphagitis


        医院:    hospital; nosodochium; nosoc ...
        咽喉:    pharynx and larynx; guttur; ...
        :    scorching; burning hot
        医院咽喉痛:    hospital sore-throat
        咽喉炎:    das halsweh, opl; faucitis; laryngopharyngitis; latyngopharyngitis; pharyngolaryngitis; relaxed throat; soar throat; sore throat; sphagitis
        慢性咽喉炎:    pharyngo-laryngitis chronica
        轻咽喉炎, 声嘎:    frog in the throat
        假膜性咽喉炎:    krupp
        脓毒性咽喉炎:    strthroat
        骑车者咽喉炎:    cyclist sore-throat
        慢性咽喉炎性发音困难:    dysarthria clericorum; dysphonia clericorum
        喉炎:    [医学] laryngitis 慢性喉炎 chronic laryngitis; clergyman's sore throat; 他患了喉炎 he has a sore throat.; 喉炎患者 laryngitic
        过用性失音, 慢性咽喉炎性发音困难:    aphonia clericorum
        链球菌性扁桃体炎,脓毒性咽喉炎:    streptococcal sore throat
        脓毒性咽喉炎,链球菌性扁桃体炎:    septic sore throat
        咽喉:    1.(咽头和喉头) pharynx and larynx; guttur; throat; gula; maw; bronch-2.(险要的交通孔道) strategic [vital] passage; key link 直布罗陀海峡是地中海通向大西洋的咽喉。 the straits of gibraltar are the strategic passage between the mediterranean and the atlantic
        鼻喉炎:    rhinolaryngitis
        喉炎的:    laryngitic
        医院:    hospital; nosodochium; nosocomium 传染病医院 hospital for infectious diseases; 儿童医院 children's hospital; 妇产医院 obstetrics and gynecology hospital; 兵站医院 camp hospital; 隔离医院 isolation hospital; 结核病医院 tuberculosis hospital; 口腔医院 stomatological hospital; 陆军医院 army hospital; 性病医院 [英国] a lock hospital; a vd hospital; 野战医院 field hospital; 战地医院 clearing hospital; 中医医院 hospital of chinese medicine; 肿瘤医院 tumour hospital; 综合性医院 general hospital; 被送进医院 be taken [sent] to hospital; 上医院 go to hospital; 办医院 run [operate] a hospital; 他很快就要出医院了。 he will soon be out of hospital
        喉咙,咽喉:    throat
        利咽喉:    strengthen the throat
        咽喉,喉咙:    throat
        咽喉,嗓子:    throat
        咽喉兵:    e-eye pawn
        咽喉病:    throat trouble


  1. "医院性肺炎"英文
  2. "医院血库"英文
  3. "医院牙科保健门诊"英文
  4. "医院牙科门诊"英文
  5. "医院咽喉痛"英文
  6. "医院研究和试验所"英文
  7. "医院研究与教育联合体"英文
  8. "医院眼科门诊"英文
  9. "医院药房"英文
  10. "医院药房,医院药局,医院药剂科,医院药学"英文


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