医院: hospital; nosodochium; nosoc ...会计: accounting; accountancy结算: settle accounts; close an ac ...和: mix; blend费用: cost; expenses; outlay的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...标准: standard; criterion; benchma ...评价: appraise; evaluate; assess; ...系统: systemsystem]医院会计结算和费用的标准评价系统: shares预算和费用: br /budget and expenses会计结算: accounting会计结算期: accounting period预算和费用股: budget and costs unit会计结算日期: accounting date标准评价准则: standard evaluation criteria预算和费用控制股: budget and cost control unit评价系统: evaluation system统计结算和信息传递: statistics account-settling and information transferring记录评价系统: record evaluation system桥梁评价系统: bridge evaluation system纵向评价系统: longitudinal evaluation system评价的标准: metewand; mete-yard买和费用系统: purchases and expenses system采用的标准: accepted standard