医药费: medical expenses; medical co ...用: 40分钟跑完全程 run the course in 4 ...补助: subsidy; supply needs; subsi ...计划: plan; project; programme; de ...补助计划: grants program高额医药费补助: large amount of subsidies on medical fees医药费用及补贴: salary welfare-medical expenses医疗补助计划: medicaid英国补助计划: british supplementation scheme医药费: hospital treatment expense; medical charges; medical costs; medical expenses; medical fee医疗补助计划,医疗补助方案: medic aid出医药费: plaster对有子女家庭补助计划: aid to families with dependent children抚养儿童家庭补助计划: afdc费用补贴: rate reliefdisabled]对终身残疾和完全残疾者补助计划: aptd对终身残疾和完全残疾者补助计划: aid to permanently and totally disabled; aptd摄护腺癌医疗补助计划的合格受益人: prostate cancer医疗补助计划的特殊低收入受: specified low income medicare beneficiary(slmb)医疗补助计划的特殊低收入受益人: slmb巨额医药费保险: major medical insurance policy; major medical" insurance policy医药费报销申请表: application for reimbursement of medical expenses生产费用补贴: production cost compensation互助计划: mutual assistance scheme救助计划: rescue plan