医疗: medical treatment事业: cause; undertaking发展: develop; expand; grow; burge ...部: part; section; division; reg ...公共医疗事业。: health service企业发展部: ministry of entrepreneur development of malaysia农业发展部长: agricultural development minister; minister of agricultural development事业发展: career development事业发展结构: career development structure; career framework事业发展问卷: career decision career development inventory; career development inventory地区工业发展部长: minister of regional industrial expansion; regional industrial expansion minister事业前途发展;事业发展: career development事业发展的阶梯: structured career医疗事故: malpractice; medical accident; medical negligence国家财产和工业发展部长: secretary of national property and industrial development经济计划和工业发展部长: economic planning and industrial development minister; minister of economic planning and industrial development农业和畜牧业发展部长: agriculture and livestock development minister; minister for agriculture and livestock development; minister of agriculture and livestock development医疗事故保险: malpractice insurance医疗事故诉讼: malpractice suit医疗事件系统: mes在医疗事故里: in the event of blunders全国科技事业发展委员会: national science and technology entrepreneurship development board发展部: development division创造就业机会和企业发展部: job creation and enterprise development department工商业旅游和企业发展部长: minister of industry commerce tourism and business development