Further, this book received the whole wholehearted cooperation of bethune's medical colleagues . 另外,本书得到了白求恩的医界同事的热忱协助。
Shock can be triggered in several ways and is often classified by its triggers 引起休克的原因有好几种,因此医界经常会以其成因来将休克加以分类。
Exactly how anesthetics work has remained an enigma since their first use in 1846 医界自1846年开始使用麻醉药,但一直就没搞清楚它们是怎样发挥效用的。
I will respect the hard - won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps i walk , and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow 我将尊重医界前辈来之不易的科学成果,并乐于和后来者分享这些知识。
医: doctor; physician界: boundary兽医界: veterinary profession医界成规: medical etiquette医界巨擘: the authority in medical circles医界名流: fine folks in medicine医界同仁: the medical faculty美国牙医界协会: american dental trade association中医界界别分组: chinese medicine subsector医教联: wfme医教处: medical education office医家畜的: veterinary医家兄弟: angel’s smile医尽女人心: dr. t and the women; dr.t and the women医家外传第1季: out of practice season 1; out of practice season1