

发音:   用"匹配表"造句
  • matching table
  • 匹配:    mate; marry
  • :    outside; surface; external
  • 匹配:    1.[书面语] (婚姻配合) mate; marry 何人堪与她匹配? who will marry her? 草率匹配多后悔。 marry in haste and repent at leisure.2.[电学] matching 亮度匹配 brightness matching; 一致匹配 consistent match; 最佳匹配 best match; 阻抗匹配 impedance matching; 匹配变压器 (impedance) matching transformer; 匹配程序 matcher; 匹配系数 matching factor; 匹配阻抗 matched impedance; matching impedance
  • 分配表:    allocation sheet; allocation table; assignment table; distribution sheet; dl distribution list; schedule of apportionment; table of distribution
  • 交配表:    mating table


  1. The seed file s xml elements shown in listing 4 match table names


        匹配:    mate; marry
        :    outside; surface; external
        匹配:    1.[书面语] (婚姻配合) mate; marry 何人堪与她匹配? who will marry her? 草率匹配多后悔。 marry in haste and repent at leisure.2.[电学] matching 亮度匹配 brightness matching; 一致匹配 consistent match; 最佳匹配 best match; 阻抗匹配 impedance matching; 匹配变压器 (impedance) matching transformer; 匹配程序 matcher; 匹配系数 matching factor; 匹配阻抗 matched impedance; matching impedance
        分配表:    allocation sheet; allocation table; assignment table; distribution sheet; dl distribution list; schedule of apportionment; table of distribution
        交配表:    mating table
        失配表:    unmatched list
        支配表:    breakdown
        装配表:    assembly chart
        标准分配表:    standard distribution list
        材料分配表:    distribution sheet of stores
        程序装配表:    load map
        磁盘分配表:    dat disk allocation table
        次数分配表:    frequency distribution table; table of frequency distribution
        存储分配表:    memory allocation table; sat storage allocation table
        存料分配表:    distribution sheet of stores
        费用分配表:    expense distribution sheet; expenses distribution sheet
        分配表单位:    unit of allocation list
        分配表目:    distribution entry
        工资分配表:    wage allocation sheet; wages allocation sheet
        号码分配表:    number allocation table
        还箱分配表:    geography table
        卷分配表:    volume assignment table
        利润分配表:    income appropriation statement; statement of profit appropriation; statement of profit apropriation and distribution; statement of profit distribution
        连接分配表:    linked allocation of table
        面积分配表:    schedule of accommodation


  1. "匹配包层光纤"英文
  2. "匹配比较"英文
  3. "匹配比例"英文
  4. "匹配边缘"英文
  5. "匹配变压器"英文
  6. "匹配波导管"英文
  7. "匹配波器"英文
  8. "匹配部件"英文
  9. "匹配材质"英文
  10. "匹配参数"英文


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