北美: North America the United Sta ...大西洋: the Atlantic沿岸: coastal; offshore; longshore ...各: every; all; each州: an ancient administrative di ...大西洋沿岸各港: atlantic ports美国大西洋沿岸: atlantic sea coast of the united states {= usa atl南美合众国: factions of the cosmic era#united states of south america大西洋沿岸地区: atlantic coast大西洋沿岸港口: atlantic coast ports {= atl大西洋沿岸联盟: atlantic coast conference大西洋沿岸平原: atlantic coastal plain大西洋沿岸大陆并合: fit of atlantic continents大西洋沿岸铁路公司: atlantic coast lines加拿大大西洋沿岸水域: canadian coastal zone atlantic大西洋沿岸非洲国家渔业合作公约: convention on fisheries cooperation among african states bordering the atlantic ocean大西洋沿岸国家运动联合会: acc; atlantic coast conference加拿大大西洋沿岸地区机遇署: atlantic canada opportunities agency; atlantic canada opportunities sgency美国太平洋沿岸各港口: united states pacific coast ports大西洋中部各州: the middle atlantic states合众国: united states延岸各州: gulf states北美太平洋沿岸标准时间: pacific standard time北美太平洋沿岸植物亚区: pacific north american floristic sub-region美国大西洋岸的: atlantic