

发音:   用"北海运河"造句


        北海:    the North Sea a surname
        运河:    canal
        北海波罗的海运河:    nord ostsee kan; nord-ostsee-kan
        海运河:    sea canal
        白海运河:    white sea canal; whiteseacanal
        多瑙-黑海运河:    danube-black sea canal
        通海运河:    maritime canal; open sea canal; seaway canal
        沿海运河:    coastal canal; intracoastal waterway
        开敞通海运河:    open sea canal
        无闸通海运河:    open sea canal
        有闸通海运河:    closed sea canal
        白海波罗的海运河:    belomorsko baltiyskiy kan; belomorsko-baltiyskiy kan; white sea-baltic can
        苏伊士海运运河:    suez maritime canal
        北海:    1.(海名) the north sea (大西洋的边缘海, 在大不列颠岛与欧洲大陆之间)2.(姓氏) a surname 北海子高 beihai zigao
        环球苏伊士运河海运公司:    universal suez canal maritime co; universelle du canal maritime de suez compagnie; universelle du canal maritime de suez, compagnie
        运河:    canal 大运河 the grand canal; 开凿运河 cut [make] canal; 关闭运河 close canal; 巴拿马运河连通两大洋。 the panama canal joins two oceans. 该运河阻塞不通。 the canal is blocked.; 运河费 canal dues; 运河工程 canal project; 运河税 canal dues
        海运:    sea transportation; ocean shipping; ocean carriage; transport by sea◇海运保险商 underwriter; 海运承运人 ocean carrier; 海运代理人 shipping agent; 海运代理商 ocean shipping agent; 海运法 shipping law; 海运费 ocean freight; 海运合同 contract of ocean carriage; 海运贸易 seaborne trade; 海运提单 ocean bill of lading; marine bill of lading; 海运协定 maritime agreement; 海运业 ocean shipping companies;shipping industry;sea-carrying trade; 海运运单 ocean waybill; 海运运费 ocean freight
        北海(中国):    beihai
        北海(油田):    north sea
        北海岸:    the north coast
        北海报:    nordsee zeitung
        北海滨:    cotes-du-nord
        北海道:    hokkaido (japan's northernmost island)
        北海港:    beihai port; port of beihai
        北海狗:    northern fur seal



  1. "北海银河股份有限公司"英文
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  4. "北海渔夫"英文
  5. "北海原油期货"英文
  6. "北海造船厂"英文
  7. "北海之歌"英文
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  9. "北海之神、知识之源和英雄的守护主"英文
  10. "北海致丰联合毛纺织有限公司"英文


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