Welcome to take rail transit line no . 5 , our destination is xinzhuang station , next stop is beiqiao station . do not lean against the door , and thank you for your cooperation 乘客您好,欢迎乘坐轨道交通五号线,本次列车终点站莘庄站,下一站北桥站,请不要依靠车门,以免发生危险。
Welcome to take rail transit line no . 5 , our destination is xinzhuang station , the next stop is beiqiao station . do not lean against the door , and thank you for your cooperation 乘客您好,欢迎乘坐轨道交通五号线,本次列车终点站莘庄站,下一站北桥站,请不要紧靠车门,以免发生危险。