勘察: reconnaissance; survey设计: devise; project; plan; desig ...招: beckon投标文件: tender documents范本: model for calligraphy or pai ...北京市勘察院: beijing prospecting institute文件范本: document template; odefile ode标书文件范本: rar文件范本字串: document template strings勘察设计费: survey and design expenses勘察设计司: servey & design department勘察设计院: prospecting and designing institute投标文件: bid documents; tender documents; tenderdocuments投标文件;招标文件: bidding documents林业勘察设计: forestry prospect and design; forestry research and sketch中国勘察设计: china investigation &design投标文件副本: copy of tender/copy of bid投标文件原件: original tender/original bid北京地区建筑地基基础勘察设计规范: dbj-01-501-92第二勘察设计院: ssdi勘察设计研究院: beijing geotechnical institute招投标: bidding; tender勘察设计收费管理规定: pdf 865kb中航勘察设计研究院: avic institute of geotechnical engineering专业人员费(指勘察设计费等): profe ional fee; professional fee