北京: Beijing; Peking后续: follow-up行动: move about; get about北京会议后续行动阿拉伯会议: arab meeting for follow-uto the beijing conference亚欧会议后续行动: asem follow-uactivities行政协调会会议后续行动工作队: acc task force on conference follow-up关于世界首脑会议后续行动的大会特别会议: ungass-wsc社会发展问题世界首脑会议后续行动区域会议: regional conference in follow-uto the world summit for social development北京行动纲要后续行动欧洲会议: european conference on follow-uto the beijing platform for action社会发展问题世界首脑会议后续行动三方协商: tripartite consultation on the follow-uto the world summit for social development社会发展问题世界首脑会议后续行动宣言: declaration on the follow-uof the world summit for social development东非北京会议后论坛: east african post-beijing forum后续行动: follow-uaction; follow-ul; follow-up后续行动措施: follow uactions投资后续行动: investment follow up北京会议中心: beijing conference center全球会议区域综合后续行动: integrated regional follow-uto global conferences全球会议实地后续行动机构间讲习班: inter-agency workshoon field-level follow-uto global conferences社会发展问题世界首脑会议的后续行动: follow-uto the world summit for social development后续行动和评价科: follow-uand evaluation section阿拉伯联合国全球会议综合后续行动会议: arab conference on the integrated follow-uto united nations global conferences北京会议十周年: review and appraisal of the beijing declaration and platform for action and the outcome document of the twenty-third special session of the general assembly北京会议五周年: beijing plus five联合会议后续工作股: joint conference follow-uunit国际青年年后续行动季刊: iyy follow-up