Septic tank systems were not much better , while private sewage treatment facilities in residential and industrial developments were often inadequate or improperly operated 此外,大部份化粪池系统的作用亦相当有限,而住宅和工商业的污水处理设施亦多未能妥善操作。
In addition to the above enforcement action , epd has over the years provided detailed guidance notes on the installation , operation and maintenance of private septic tanks for village houses . by referring to such guidance notes , villagers can install septic tank systems that are most appropriate to the size of their houses , the topographical characteristics and the environment of the sites . epd also requests owners of such tanks to ensure that their facilities are subject to regular inspection and maintenance , so that sewage would not be discharged untreated into rivers or hong kong waters 除上述执法行动外,环保署多年来一直就村屋化粪池系统的装置、操作及维修提供了详细指引,教导村民按不同房屋大小、地势、附近环境等需要设置合适的化粪池系统,并要求村民确保设施得到定期的检查及维修,以避免污水在未经任何处理下排放入河溪及本港水域。
The pollution problems of the rivers and streams in that region have accordingly improved considerably in the past decade . however , as the base flow of local rivers and streams is generally small , their assimilative capacity is therefore low . this , coupled with the continued development and hence population growth in the river catchments , as well as the lack of maintenance of many private septic tank systems , has caused the water quality of some rivers and streams in the northwest new territories to remain unsatisfactory 而溪流的污染情况在过去的十年间亦因此而有所改善,但由于本地河溪的流速相当慢,河流的自净能力相对偏低,而河溪的周边不断发展,人口持续增加,加上部分私人的化粪池系统欠缺打理,未能有效运作,所以新界西北仍有部份河溪水质未如理想。