This paper analyzes and discusses the problems involving the design of the electronic control ( ec ) and numerical control ( nc ) systems for a new type nc grinder - machine used to grind planar quadratic and annular enveloping worms based on novel four - axis - interpolation , in which a central fabricating method is introduced 摘要本文作者设计了新型四联动平面二次包络蜗杆数控磨床的数控及电控系统,该磨床采用虚拟中心的方法,通过两正交轴的圆插补及磨头基座的自转实现了传统蜗杆加工磨床上的砂轮工作面的平面回转运动,克服了传统加工蜗杆工作层面多,结构复杂,加工精度、效率低等缺点。