包括: include; consist of; compris ...破裂: break; fracture; burst; spli ...或: nǎi-.凹: low-lying area; depression弯: curved; bent; crooked; flexu ...险: a place difficult of access; ...包括碎裂或凹弯险: including risk of bad odour; including risk of chipping & denting包括破裂或凹瘪险: including risk of breakage and clashing; including risk of chipping & denting包括破碎险: excluding natural loss in weight不包括破碎险: excluding risk of breakage进行地层破裂或: perform leak off test产褥期子宫伤口裂或破裂: dehiscence or disruption of uterine wound in the puerperium压鼓凹形,凹弯: dishing唇裂或腭裂: cleft lip or palate对裂或然率: fission probability或凹叶厚朴: magnolia officinalis rehd. et wils. var. biloba rehd. et wils包括: include; consist of; comprise; contain; cover; incorporate; not excepting; ranging from ... to ...; embody 运费包括在帐内。 the freight is included in the account. 他的发言包括了他所有的论点。 his statement embraces all his arguments破裂: break; fracture; burst; split; rupture; crack 破裂的家庭 a broken home; 血管破裂 rupture [breaking] of a blood vessel; 心肌破裂 rupture of the heart muscle; rupture of a blood vessel; 他们的婚姻关系破裂了。 their marriage has broken up. 谈判破裂了。 the negotiations broke down扁平或凹陷乳头: flat or invert nipples局部凸出或凹陷: local project or dent马路上的坑或凹处: chuckhole破裂区,破裂带: zone of fracture包括包括……在内包括…在内: including下陷或凹下去的地方: sinus牙轮钻头齿撞碎裂或弯卷: bradding