包工: undertake to perform work wi ...每日: everyday支付: pay; defray; payment; payoff额: forehead支付额: amount paid; payment付款日支付日: term day工资支付额: disbursement wage年支付额: annual payment平均支付额: average payoff每点击支付额: pay-per-click每印象(显示)支付额: pay-per-impression每印象支付额: pay-per-impression工商业转让支付额: business transfer payments; business trend and cycle analysis payments扣除税款后支付额: pay after tax按工薪支付额分摊费用: payroll related basis of allocation工资和薪金的支付额: wage and salary disbursements包工: 1.(按规定的要求和期限, 完成某项生产任务) undertake to perform work within a time limit and according to specifications; job-work; contract for a job 包工到人 allot work to individual labourers; 包工包料 contract for labour and materials; fix the amount of material in accordance with the amount of work contracted2.(承包工程的厂商或工头) head of contracted labour; contractor; 包工合同 contract labour agreement; 包工头 labour contractor; 包工制 piece work system; contract system日支费: per diem大部分建筑物支付额外费用后都能建在水上: most structures are placeable on water for extra cost多付额: overpayment给付额: capital sum自付额: excess旧日支配者: great old ones; old ones每日: everyday◇每日热 amphemera; 每日食粮 daily bread; 每日四次 four times a day; quater in die (qid.)回民抗日支队: muslim anti japanese contingent; muslim anti-japanese contingent