With the same geological structural settings , the miocene sequence development of the shanwang , baojiahe , and qingshan basins are comparable 在相同构造背景下,山旺盆地、包家河盆地和青山盆地的中新世对应层位的层序发育特征具有可比性。
The 500 - kilovolt electricity transmission line , extending from fangzheng , mudanjiang , dunhua to baojia , as part of the project of “ electricity transmission from north to south ” of the province , has been completed and will be put into operation in succession 近日,黑龙江“北电南送” 500千伏方正牡丹江敦化包家输变电工程的线路架设全部竣工,并即将陆续投入运营。
Urumqi is asian geographic center at latitunde4341north and longitude8720east , with the sign of asian geographic center located at baojiacaozi village , yongfeng township , urumqi , the city , covering an area of 12 , 000sq . kilometers and city - built area of 139 . 5sq . kilometers , has a population of 154 . 88 , encompassing 47 different ethnic groups , who live here together 包家槽子村,总面积12000平方公里,建成面积139 . 5平方公里,人口154 . 88万,这个城市里有47个不同民族共同生活。