

  • contouring
  • 勾边:    crisperding
  • 轮廓:    outline; line; lineament; co ...
  • 现象:    appearance; phenomenon
  • 勾边:    crisperding◇勾边花边 bourdon lace
  • 边轮:    cincture


        勾边:    crisperding
        轮廓:    outline; line; lineament; co ...
        现象:    appearance; phenomenon
        勾边:    crisperding◇勾边花边 bourdon lace
        边轮:    cincture
        勾边使图象轮廓鲜明:    crispening
        勾边光:    fringe
        手勾边:    hand crochet
        边轮式:    side wheeler
        毛边轮:    brush wheel
        磨边轮:    edge wheel
        轮廓:    outline; line; lineament; contour profile; rough sketch 脸的轮廓 the contour of a face; 山峦的轮廓 profile of the mountains; 先画个轮廓 , 再画细部。draw an outline before you fill in the details. 夜幕降临了, 但厂房还能看见个轮廓。 night fell, but the outline of the factory buildings was still discernible.; the factory buildings were silhouetted against the growing darkness.; 轮廓不清晰度 turbidity (相片); 轮廓清晰 clear-cut; 轮廓图 profilogram; scheme; keydrawing; schematogram; contour records; outline sketch
        勾边电路:    crispening circuit; crisping circuit
        勾边花边:    bourdon lace
        勾边图象:    crisp picture
        勾边字幕:    edged caption
        边轮式车:    side wheeler
        多边轮毂:    polygon-nabe
        高边轮碾机:    high side roller mill
        软边轮胎:    beaded tire; beaded tyre
        有边轮胎:    flanged tyre
        圆边轮圈:    round-edged tyre
        直边轮胎:    ss tire straight-side tire; straight-side tire
        直边轮辋:    straight-side rim
        现象:    appearance (of things); phenomenon 自然现象 natural phenomenon; 社会现象 social phenomenon; 向不良现象作斗争 combat unhealthy phenomena; 暂时现象 transient phenomenon; 日[月]食是一个有趣的现象。 an eclipse is an interesting phenomenon


  1. "勾臂式窒息固定"英文
  2. "勾边"英文
  3. "勾边电路"英文
  4. "勾边光"英文
  5. "勾边花边"英文
  6. "勾边使图象轮廓鲜明"英文
  7. "勾边图象"英文
  8. "勾边字幕"英文
  9. "勾伯蓝"英文
  10. "勾部"英文


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