劳: work; labour埃: dust德: virtue; morals; moral charac ...船舶: shipping; boats and ships; v ...登记簿: register; accession; accessi ...劳埃德船舶登记报: lloyd's list劳埃德船舶登记及航务杂志: lloyd's list & shipping gazette船舶登记簿: shipping register船名录,船舶登记簿: ship's register book劳埃德船舶经济学家杂志: lloyd's shipping economist magazine劳埃德船钟: lutine bell劳埃德船级社: lloyd’s register of shipping船舶登记: classification of vessel船舶登记册: register of ships船舶登记地: place of registration船舶登记法: law of registry of ship船舶登记国: state of registration of the ship船舶登记号: official number船舶登记局: register of shipping; registry agency船舶登记证: ship’s certificate of registry德国劳埃德船级社: german lloyd; germanischer lloyd; ischer lloyd劳埃德船级社代理: lloyd's agent劳埃德船级协会: cooperation of lloyd's劳埃德船级证书: lloyd's certificate英国劳埃德船级社: lloyd's register of shipping