There is even a sense in which it is now possible to think of a european market for labor . 甚至还出现了这样一种意见,认为目前可以设想成立一个欧洲劳动力市场。
One of the most widely publicized features of the japanese labor market is the system of what had been called permanent commitment . 日本劳动力市场广为宣扬的特点之一就是所谓的终身雇佣制。
Study on regional disparity of labor market in china 中国劳动力市场空间分异研究
The policy analysis of gender - equality labour market 性别平等的劳动力市场政策分析
The impact of globalization on the female labor market 全球化对妇女劳动力市场的影响
劳动力: labour force; work force; la ...市场: market house; marketplace ma ...地方劳动力市场: local market conditions劳动力市场的含义: the labor market context劳动力市场动荡: labor unrest劳动力市场建设: labor market building劳动力市场信息: lmi labor market information内部劳动力市场: internal human resources pool; internal labor market剩余劳动力市场: surplus labor market外部劳动力市场: external labor market一般劳动力市场: market for general labor劳动市郴劳动力市场: labour market分层次流动的劳动力市场: labor market with a hierarchical mobility劳动力市场统计月报: bulletin mensuel des statistiques du marche de l'emploi劳动力市场主要指标体系: kilm动力市场: power market国内劳动市场, 当地劳动力市场: internal labour market面向市场的劳动力: market-oriented labour劳力市场: labour market国家电力市场: nem劳动力大量剩余市场: substantial labour surplus market市场劳动力供需平衡: equilibrium of labor market劳动力: 1.(人力) labour force; work force; labour 劳动力不足 short of manpower; shorthanded; 劳动力费用低廉 low-paid labour; 调剂劳动力 adjust the use of the labour force2.(劳动能力) capacity for physical labour 丧失劳动力 lose one's ability to work; 3.(有劳动能力的人) able-bodied person 全劳动力和半劳动力 able-bodied and semi-ablebodied (farm) workers; 劳动力安排 arrangement of labour; 劳动力储备 fund of labour; 劳动力调配 allocation of the labour force; deployment of manpower; 劳动力分配 distribution of labour force; 劳动力价格 price of labour power; 劳动力价值 value of labour power; 劳动力结构 structure of the labour force; 劳动力买卖 buying and selling of labour power; 劳动力使用 utilization of labour; 劳动力市场 market for labour; the labour service; the employment agency; market for manpower; 劳动力需求 labour demand; 劳动力资源 human [labour] resources; pool of labour power 电力市场营销技巧: marketing techniques in the power market汉恩哈力力市场: khaan il-khaliili
劳动力市场的法语:marché du travail劳动力市场的日语:労働市場劳动力市场的韩语:노동 시장劳动力市场的俄语:рынок рабочей силы劳动力市场的阿拉伯语:سوق العمالة; سوق العمل; 劳动力市场什么意思:劳动力市场基本解释:指劳动力自由流动择业的场所。有职业介绍所、人才交流中心和各种劳动服务公司等形式。在劳动力市场上,市场机制调节着劳动力供需,推动人才合理流动,促成劳动力资源的合理配置。