

发音:   用"动物图片"造句


  1. Preparation : some pictures of animals . music
  2. Shengxiao is also the source of many traditional customs and newer trends , and the animals are popular images that are seen everywhere
  3. Age for 2 + ) there are four matching games for kids to learn about animals , enabling them to gain more knowledge about the wild nature
  4. At the very beginning i was glad to see so many brilliant and beautiful animal pictures posted there . i even started to think that they can promote a beautiful side of herps


        动物:    animal
        图片:    picture; photograph
        高清晰动物图片集锦:    animals pictures
        动物图形的皮毛线:    hide and hair line
        图片动物:    cd-animals
        地物图:    outline chart
        实物图:    element collection
        图片:    picture; photograph 图片说明 caption; 图片展览 photo exhibition; 图片社 photo service; 图片新闻 art photo journalism
        地物图像:    cartographic feature
        地物图象:    cartographic feature
        海洋生物图:    marine biological chart; marinebiologicalchart
        农作物图:    crop map
        抛物图形:    parabolograph
        事物图式:    object scheme
        有物图案的:    figured
        造物图案:    creative plan
        机场障碍物图:    aerodrome obstacle chart; aoc aerodrome obstruction chart
        图片图片:    web component picture
        动物:    animal; zoon (pl. zoa); beast 反刍动物 ruminant; 环节动物 annelid; annelida; 节肢动物 arthropod; 棘皮动物 echinoderm; 脊椎动物 vertebrate; 脊索动物 chordate; 寄生动物 parasitic animal; 冷血动物 cold-blooded animal; 两栖动物 amphibian; 灵长动物 primate; 卵生动物 oviparous animal; 爬行动物 reptile; 啮齿动物 rodent; 哺乳动物 mammal; 腔肠动物 coelenterate; 软体动物 mollusk; 蠕形动物 verme; 食草动物 herbivorous animal; 食肉动物 carnivore; 胎生动物 viviparous animal; 无脊椎动物 invertebrate; 有蹄动物 ungulate; 原生动物 protozoa; 甲壳动物 crustacean; 动物爱护者 zoophilist; 动物保护色 protective coloration; 动物标本剥制术 taxidermy; 动物病理学 zoopathology; 动物崇拜 zoolatry; 动物传染病 zoonosis (pl. zoonoses); 动物带 animal zone; 动物分类学 zootaxy; 动物解剖学 zootomy; veterinary anatomy; 动物圈 [生态学] zoosphere; 动物社会学 animal sociology; 动物饲养员 zooman; 动物习性学 animal ethology; 动物喜爱癖 zoophilism; 动物细胞 zooblast; 动物心理学 animal psychology; 动物行为 animal behavior; 动物志 fauna
        擦图片:    eraser shield; erasing shield
        大图片:    large
        动图片:    motion picture cartoon
        剪辑(图片):    crop
        图片,照片:    picture
        图片包:    picture package


  1. "动物统计学"英文
  2. "动物投诉 例如你家狗咬我家的猫也算"英文
  3. "动物头夹"英文
  4. "动物头盔系"英文
  5. "动物图形的皮毛线"英文
  6. "动物退化学"英文
  7. "动物脱氧核糖核酸病毒"英文
  8. "动物外皮"英文
  9. "动物玩具"英文


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