Preparation : some pictures of animals . music 准备:动物图片若干、音乐
Shengxiao is also the source of many traditional customs and newer trends , and the animals are popular images that are seen everywhere 生肖同时也是影响很多传统习俗和时代潮流的一个很重要因素,所以你在很多地方都可以看到那些让人喜爱的动物图片。
Age for 2 + ) there are four matching games for kids to learn about animals , enabling them to gain more knowledge about the wild nature 适合2岁或以上)此拼图游戏让小朋友认识动物的面貌和种类,每张动物图片均是在大自然取景,增加小朋友对大自然的认识。
At the very beginning i was glad to see so many brilliant and beautiful animal pictures posted there . i even started to think that they can promote a beautiful side of herps 在最开始的时候,当我看见在那里的美丽夺目的动物图片时,我认为它们能有助人们对这些爬虫类两栖类及节肢类动物有一点认识。