How often were you having intercourse with animals at age 1 4 你14岁的时候多经常和动物发生性行为呢?
The traditional footprint method to assess functional recovery is messy , indirect , and not useful when contractures develop in the animal model 传统的用来评估功能恢复的足迹分析法不仅程序复杂,不能直接反映情况,而且当模型动物发生肌肉挛缩时就会失去效果。
Initial concerns about the safety of bottled foods were based on small amount of scientific research which indicated that semicarbazide slightly increased cancer risk in some animals 少量的科学研究发现氨基脲能够轻微的增加一些实验动物发生癌症的危险,这就是人们对瓶装食品的安全性表示担忧的最初原因。
Newswise ? researchers announced today that there is strong eidence a chemical referred to as hexaalent chromium , or chromium 6 , causes cancer in laboratory animals when it is consumed in drinking water 研究人员今天宣布,有力证据表明,一种名为六价铬的化学物质加入饮用水中时,可以导致实验动物发生癌症。