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You have an existing db2 instance on the backend of some other complex enterprise level applications ; you d like to leverage php s rapid application development and prototyping to generate dynamic reports 在其他某些复杂的企业级应用程序的后台,您已经有一个db2实例;您希望利用php的快速应用程序开发和原型设计来生成动态报告。
动态: trends; general trend of aff ...报告: report; make known; inform船舶动态报告: vessel movement report动态报告系统: movement report system执行动态报告: mps execute developments report营业报告;动态报告: operating reports船舶动态报告系统: vessel movement report system; vessel movement reporting system动态报告管制中心: movement report control center {= mrcc动态报: dynamic statement状态报告: stator reports; status reports状态报告书: position statement状态报告帧: srf status report frame; status report frame澳大利亚船舶动态报告制度: australian shireporting system变更状态报告: change status report电报状态报告: status report of messages更新状态报告: update status report配置状态报告: configuration status accounting问题状态报告: problem status report系统状态报告: system status report项目状态报告: project status report月度状态报告: monthly status review船舶动态报导服务: shipping intelligence service工程状态报告表: construction train return检查磁盘并显示状态报告。: chkdsk检查磁盘并显示一个状态报告: checks a disk and display a status report; checksadisk and display sastatus report; checksadiskanddi laysastatusreport; checksadiskanddisplaysastatusreport