Hyder - arup - black veatch joint venture design and construction 设计及建造工程动工日期:
Construction commencement date 工程动工日期:
The locations and areas of the various pieces of land earmarked for housing production during the period from 2002 - 03 to 2005 - 06 , together with the prospective commencement dates and estimated completion dates of the housing projects concerned ; and 期间,本港预留作建屋用地的地点和面积及有关建屋计划可动工日期及预计完成日期及
动工: start a project日期: date施工日期;动工日期: commencement date井完工日期: completion date竣工日期: completion date of construction; date of completion; latest finish date; time for completion开工日期: commence date of work; date of commence; starting date of a project施工日期: commencement date完工日期: c-d; date of completion, completion date延迟竣工日期;延迟完工日期: extended completion date工程开工日期: construction starting date估计完工日期: ecd estimated completion date; edc estimated date of completion; estimated complete date合理开工日期: reasonable starting date计划完工日期: intended completion date; scheduled completion date建议完工日期: recommended completion date理货开工日期: tally commenced on目标完工日期: target completion date实际竣工日期: date of su tantial completion; date of substantial completion实际完工日期: date of substantial completion完工日期估算: estimated completion date延迟竣工日期: extended completion date延迟完工日期: extended completion date预计完工日期: estimated complete date; estimated completion date; estimated data of completion; estimated date of completion指定完工日期: project due date中间完工日期: interium completion date最早完工日期: ef=early finish date